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Application Domains API Endpoints

Learn more about how to view, add, connect and destroy application domains with our API

Get Domains

To list all existing domains of that app you can simply send a GET request to the following endpoint.


Required Headers: Authorization

Example Response:

    "domains": [
        "id": "7403c4f5-e6b1-4dc2-96df-607c6a33d099",
        "status": "available",
        "domain_type": "sub",
        "domain_name": "example.nodion.app",
        "verification_code": "nodion=9b4dc071f491619da2d9",
        "created_at": "2023-05-22T10:49:05.599+02:00",
        "updated_at": "2023-05-22T10:56:51.050+02:00"
        "id": "b37f41cb-81f9-4396-9163-4ad09b8ae203",
        "status": "available",
        "domain_type": "main",
        "domain_name": "mydomain.com",
        "verification_code": "nodion=df0295911dbee880eb7e",
        "created_at": "2023-05-22T11:25:47.367+02:00",
        "updated_at": "2023-05-22T15:21:45.859+02:00"

Create Domain

To create a new Domain within that app you can send a POST request to the following endpoint.


Required Headers: Authorization

Required Body Parameters:

domain_name – The domain name you would like to use for that application.

Possible Response Codes:

200 – The Domain was created successfully and needs to be verified next.
400 – Either the name was not provided or is not a fqdn. Please check the response.

Example Response:

          "domain": {
            "id": "b37f41cb-81f9-4396-9163-4ad09b8ae203",
            "status": "available",
            "domain_type": "main",
            "domain_name": "mydomain.com",
            "verification_code": "nodion=df0295911dbee880eb7e",
            "created_at": "2023-05-22T11:25:47.367+02:00",
            "updated_at": "2023-05-22T15:21:45.859+02:00"

Verify Domain

To verify a newly created domain you need to set the returned "verification_code". This code has to be set as a TXT DNS record.

As soon as the TXT record was set, you can send a POST request to the following endpoint.


Required Headers: Authorization

Possible Response Codes:

200 – The Domain was verified successfully and needs to be connected next.
400 – Either the name was not provided or is not a fqdn. Please check the response.

Example Response:

  "success": true

Verify Domain

Finally you can connect your domain to the Nodion system. To do so please set the shown load balancer domain as a CNAME/ALIAS DNS entry. Currently there is a limitation the the load balancer domain is only shown within the web UI.

As soon as the DNS record was set, you can send a POST request to the following endpoint.

After connecting your domain to the application you have to redeploy your application for your new domain to be used correctly.


Required Headers: Authorization

Possible Response Codes:

200 – The Domain was connected successfully.
400 – Either the name was not provided or is not a fqdn. Please check the response.

Example Response:

  "success": true