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Application Metrics API Endpoints

Learn more about how to fetch application metrics with our API

Get Metrics

To view the last metrics of that app you can simply send a GET request to the following endpoint.


Optional Query Params:

instance_id – To filter for a specific instance please provide its id.
limit – By default 8640 records per instance will be returned. 8640 equals 1 day worth of metrics, if you need less and a faster response, provide the limit param, which takes a value from 1 to 8640.

Required Headers: Authorization

Example Response:

    "metrics": [
        "metric_type": "mem",
        "timestamp": "2023-06-04T12:12:01",
        "value": 0.37841796875,
        "instance_id": "0b7f0720-e235-4d39-9e67-601c34e8253c"
        "metric_type": "mem",
        "timestamp": "2023-06-04T12:11:51",
        "value": 0.37841796875,
        "instance_id": "0b7f0720-e235-4d39-9e67-601c34e8253c"
        "metric_type": "mem",
        "timestamp": "2023-06-04T12:11:42",
        "value": 0.37841796875,
        "instance_id": "0b7f0720-e235-4d39-9e67-601c34e8253c"
        "metric_type": "mem",
        "timestamp": "2023-06-04T12:11:31",
        "value": 0.37841796875,
        "instance_id": "0b7f0720-e235-4d39-9e67-601c34e8253c"